Miller Amish Chicken
Orland, IN
Miller Poultry is a small, family-owned company located in Northern Indiana.
There are many positive reasons that this fact is beneficial for you, the consumer.
When a company goes to the extent to put their own name on the product, it adds a
whole different element, it becomes personal, real personal. We want it right and we
want it right every time.
Our chicks are hatched at our own hatchery and placed primarily on Amish
family farms. The birds are raised inside naturally ventilated, curtain sided, houses
and are free to roam on open floors. They are fed an all-vegetable, drug free diet and
are hormone and antibiotic free.
Antibiotic free – our chickens are raised on all vegetable feed that is ground at
our feed mill from corn and soybeans. No antibiotics are added. Labels can be
confusing – with terms like “free-range” on the label it does not mean that it is
antibiotic free. There is no requirement that free-range chickens be antibiotic free.
All Vegetable fed – The feed is a mixture of corn, soybeans, minerals, salt and
vitamins that is mixed at our own feed mill and there are no animal by products,
animal fats or coloring added, never.
Our aim is to provide a perfect product in a perfect package in perfect
condition every single time. We are driven to do the absolute best we can for you and
encourage your comments to help us achieve our goal.
Miller Poultry Mission Statement
To be a company of dedicated, faithful people producing naturally grown poultry in
an ethical and efficient manner for consumers who appreciate wholesome, great-
tasting food.