Dillman Farm
Bloomington, IN
Dillman Farm, based out of Bloomington, Indiana, has been crafting all natural products since
1970. It started when Carl Dil man began making oven baked apple butter for a restaurant in
Brown County and delivering it while out on his milk route for Johnson’s Creamery. As demand
for Carl’s apple butter grew, so did the product line. Today, our product lineup includes all
natural fruit butters, preserves, barbecues, mustards, salsas, pasta sauces, pickled products,
marinades, and dressings, and honey. Carl’s legacy of making all natural, delicious products lives
on today through his son Cary Dillman along with family and friends.
Our mission is to make al natural products of the highest quality with a superior taste. At
Dillman Farm we make our products the old-fashioned way–by using whole fruit and pure cane
sugar. There are never any preservatives, corn syrup or additives.
Pure. Clean. Simple.