5810 O'HARA RD.

Ruhlig Farms
Carleton, MI

Ruhlig Farms is located in Carleton, MI. David Ruhlig is the owner. Ruhlig Farms
acreage is between 800 to 1,000. Crops include Sweet corn, cabbage, peppers,
eggplant, tomatoes, mustard, turnip, collard greens, cucumbers, muskmelon,
watermelon, tomatillos, pumpkins, broccoli, cauliflower, squash, rapini, and kale.
Growing an operation from 40 acres to more than 800 acres is no simple feat.
But that’s exactly what Ruhlig Farms has done over the last 30 years. Because the
farm wanted create a one-stop-shopping experience, Ruhlig Farms offers about 35
different types of vegetables available at one location. To ensure its crops are cooled
and stored properly, modern, high-volume cooling facilities were constructed.
In addition, Ruhlig has been involved in local Farm Bureau groups for years. He serves
on a water board that works to determine how water usage and consumption can be
safely regulated by growers in the state.
Did you know that Michigan farms grow more types of fruits and vegetables
than most other states in the country? As interest in fresh local products has grown,
more of these fruits and vegetables are being sold in Michigan for fresh consumption
rather than being processed or exported. The advantage of local produce is that it can
be harvested and served at the peak of freshness. Buying local produce, whether
through distributors or directly from farmers, supports our local farm families and
Michigan’s economy. While not all of the fresh fruits and vegetables that you will find
at Ruhlig Farms & Gardens are Michigan grown, we strive to provide the freshest
products that we can find. We hope that you will stop in and see all that we have to


5810 O'HARA RD.