Going back to school this year is easy with Piazza Produce! With all of the new school regulations regarding serving sizes for fruits and vegetables, Piazza has you covered. We have taken it upon ourselves to fully understand the new guidelines and create menu ideas and serving size suggestions to help with food cost. The information we have is not only creative, but informative and beneficial. Ask a Piazza sales rep today if you are interested in learning more about Piazza products in your school!

Take the hassle away from dealing with cutting your own apples by swapping them out with fresh apple slices! Apple slices are crisp, natural and Ready-to-Eat! They also meet the growing demand for all natural, fresh and convenient products. Perfect for dipping, apple slices are a product you want to have!

Mixed veggie cups are the perfect way to introduce fresh vegetables to students. Add carrot sticks, celery sticks, pepper strips and asparagus to a clear cup. Put low fat ranch in the bottom of the cup for easy dipping. Piazza has a variety of pre-cut vegetables including carrots and celery as well as Ken’s Low Fat Ranch Dressing.

Sunmaid Raisins are the perfect fruit option for sack lunches, field days, breakfast in the classroom, and a daily fruit option on the line. Students will love the name brand recognition. and operators will love the “no labor” fruit serving option. 1 box of Sunmaid Raisins equals 1/2 cup fruit under USDA regulations. Available in regular, sour lemon and sour strawberry.

Supporting research shows that incorporating salad bars into school lunches increases children’s consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables. When offered healthy food choices, children respond by trying new items, incorporating great variety into their diets, and increasing their daily intake of fruits and vegetables. Through these early, positive experiences, students are better prepared for a lifetime of healthy eating. It is important to add variety to your salad bar on a daily basis. Try incorporating the following items into your salad bar this school year:
Vegetables: Kidney Beans, Broccoli, Cherry Tomatoes, Carrots, Hummus, Peas, Salad Mix (Romaine, Spring Mix, Spinach), Jicama, Celery
Fruit: Apples, Peaches, Tangerines, Watermelon, Dried Fruit, Cantaloupe, Plums
Protein: Diced Chicken, Chopped Eggs, Shredded Cheese, Tuna Salad Cottage Cheese