BeeFree Gluten Free Bakery
Noblesville, IN
BeeFree evolved from my desire to bake tasty gluten– and casein–free treats for
our son. Treats that would help with his autism and would let him enjoy the pleasure
of being a kid. We know that navigating this world without gluten/dairy is often
overwhelming, disappointing and, frankly, expensive. So we set to work converting
our favorite recipes. Once a recipe passes the discriminating tastes of a house full of
teenage boys (who are not all GF/CF), we know we have a winner. We call it
“Teenager Tested.” We are wildly passionate about food, living healthy, and “bee-ing”
free! BeeFree has a story to tell, and our mission is to help lives become better.
More recently, our Crossfit® community introduced our family to the Paleo way of
life: eating lean meats, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables, foraging for our food,
enjoying mealtime with family and friends, simplifying and slowing down to
appreciate the gift of life. There began the birth of BeePrimal — look for the “Buff”
Bee to indicate foods made without grains or refined sugars. One bite of a
BeeFree/BeePrimal treat and you’ll be a BEEliever!”
Gluten free products are often thought to be tasteless and tough, but Jennifer Wiese
at BeeFree has created a variety delicious treats that everyone can enjoy. Jennifer
talks about why she started the bakery and why she chose to be gluten and dairy free.