Maple Leaf Farms
Milford, IN
Maple Leaf Farms is a fourth generation, family-owned company located in the heart
of farm country in northern Indiana. For more than half a century, they have
produced premium-quality duck products for foodservice and retail markets.
Maple Leaf Farms’ founder, Donald Wentzel, originally worked as a poultry feed
salesman in the Northeast. He saw how expensive and difficult it was for Long Island
duck producers to buy feed for their operations. In 1958, he decided it would be a
good idea to raise ducks in the Midwest, where corn and soybeans were readily
available and where finished goods were centrally located to the marketplace. Maple
Leaf Farms was built on these ideas of resource conservation and sustainable farming,
and these principles are key in their operations today.
Since the beginning, Maple Leaf Farms has partnered with local, independent family
farmers to raise their White Pekin ducks. These farmers provide exceptional care for
the ducks and follow animal well-being guidelines outlined in Maple Leaf Farms’
Trident Stewardship Program. This program not only addresses the care of the birds,
but also sets clear and measurable expectations in these key areas: animal well-
being, quality assurance and resource conservation.
Maple Leaf Farms is now led by Donald Wentzel’s son-in-law Terry Tucker, who serves
as Chief Executive Officer. He and his sons, John and Scott Tucker, who serve as Co-
Presidents, are deeply committed to preserving the values the company was founded
upon: respect for others, responsibility for the environment, and insistence upon high
quality. They generously support the company’s local communities by supporting
charitable organizations dedicated to on hunger relief, community development,
culinary arts, and education.